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promotion and tenureの例文


  • We hope for a clarification of the processes of hiring faculty and giving promotions and tenure.
  • The Board makes recommendations on leaves and faculty aid applications, and grants promotions and tenures.
  • After several years at the rank of assistant professor, individuals are considered for a promotion and tenure.
  • Unfortunately, university boards don't often explicitly consider publication quality when making decisions on promotion and tenure.
  • For college professors, the promotion and tenure process takes into account the achievements and reputation of their scholarly activities.
  • For example, Gilliland wants promotion and tenure decisions to rest partly on how a professor contributes to the transformation effort.
  • On affirmative action, Rice backed efforts to increase diversity among entry-level faculty, but opposed its use in promotion and tenure decisions.
  • In 1997 Carroll moved to Clemson University ( SC ) as an assistant professor where he received early promotion and tenure in the department of physics.
  • Gottfredson said he's not familiar with Solomon's case but asserted that in recent years, UA has changed its promotion and tenure procedures.
  • However, she said, " women should be failing at same the rate as men in promotion and tenure and they are not ."
  • Benhabib said, " because according to all institutional criteria and criteria of scholarship, she has fulfilled Harvard's requirement for promotion and tenure ."
  • The administration limited the union's role in promotion and tenure, and brought department chairs into administrative roles, where they were not covered by the union.
  • Traditionally, promotion and tenure decisions have been strongly influenced by a professor's scholarly work-which includes books, book chapters, and refereed journal articles.
  • His responsibilities are wide-ranging, from overseeing NUS Deans and their faculties / schools to being responsible for the appointment, promotion and tenure process of academic staff.
  • Promotion and tenure typically requires demonstrating a strong record of published research, instruction, and professional / administrative service, with the strongest emphasis on research in many universities.
  • In 2007, Holtschneider affirmed a 4 3 vote by DePaul University's Board on Promotion and Tenure ( a faculty board ) denying tenure to controversial political scientist Norman Finkelstein.
  • He helped develop promotion and tenure policies for the College of Science and was instrumental in establishing a joint position between the colleges of science and education to create science education programs.
  • And scientists will continue to publish their best work, even in journals neither they nor their libraries can afford, because prestigious publications are crucial to getting grants, promotion and tenure.
  • -- Change hiring, promotion and tenure rules for faculty to emphasize teaching above all else and to encourage involvement in economic development and other service activities outside the university that benefit the state.
  • Experiential activities are necessarily rewarded in post-secondary promotion and tenure systems ( except in certain extenuating situations ), and co-op faculty may be isolated from other faculty (; ).
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